Relocation of Your Business to Cyprus

Relocation of Your Business to Cyprus

Our team can assist you with the relocation of your company which is a straightforward procedure which involves the submission of an application to the Registrar of Companies in Cyprus. The forms must be accompanied by specific documentation, as listed in the legislation. It is a prerequisite that all relevant documents are translated into the Greek language before submission.

Further advantageous parameters include:

Once the Registrar is satisfied that all the documents are sufficient and all conditions are met it will issue a (temporary) Certificate of Incorporation. Making use of this procedure, allows companies to continue their business activity uninterrupted

Our team can assist you with the transferring of employees to Cyprus and supporting with the completion and submission of all documentation that is required.

Offering you support with personnel recruitments in terms of drafting a job description, advertising the vacancy, interviewing, short-listing candidates, advising on personnel recruitments, and drafting their employment agreement.

Permanent Residency in Cyprus

Cyprus has made clear terms and conditions for permanent residency with numerous benefits and flexibility to encourage investments from third country nationals by buying a property or by investing in Cyprus to gain permanent residency and travel visa-free throughout the European Union.

Our range of services includes citizenship schemes and permanent residency schemes in Cyprus. We act on behalf of our clients from the process of buying a property or making the investment up to the process of getting the citizenship or permanent residency. We emphasise on close cooperation with our clients to deliver highly personalized service for safeguarding their interests throughout the whole process.

How to obtain a Cyprus Permanent Residence Scheme?

Cyprus Permanent Residency can be obtained through purchasing property or legally residing in Cyprus for a continuous period of more than five years.

Residential property investment of at least 300,000 EUR (excluding VAT - VAT is 19% or 5% for the first property bought for own use) from a property developer for the sale of a new property based in Cyprus. Resale residential properties do not qualify.

Property investment in offices, commercial spaces, hotels, or other properties, including resale properties, of at least 300,000 EUR.

Other Investment Options

Investment in share capital of a Cypriot Company with activities and staff in Cyprus: Initial or subsequent investment in a Cyprus company share capital of at least 300,000 EUR, with such company being based and operating in Cyprus with at least 5 individuals being in employment in Cyprus.

Investment in shares of a Cyprus Investment Organization for Collective Investments (type AIF, AIFLNP, RAIF): Investment worth €300,000 in shares of a Cyprus Investment Organization for Collective Investments whose investments should be carried out in the Republic of Cyprus.

Provided that, any alienation of the holder of the Immigration Permit from the investment he has made without immediately replacing it with another of the same or greater value, which should meet the conditions set in this procedure, will entail activation of the procedure cancellation of the License based on the provisions of Regulation 6 of the Aliens and Immigration Regulations.

Annual Income

In addition to the investment based on the investment options above, be able to prove that he has at his disposal a personal insured annual income of at least €50,000 . The annual income is increased by €15,000 for the spouse and €10,000 for each minor child of the applicant and/or his/her spouse.